A prototype of the customer-facing landing page once they logged in.
A prototype of the customer-facing landing page once they logged in.
An example of a table design, used for showing a customer's previous bills.
An example of a table design, used for showing a customer's previous bills.
A simple page with a modern UI design, allowing the user to notify Ecotricity of a change request to their tariff.
A simple page with a modern UI design, allowing the user to notify Ecotricity of a change request to their tariff.
Radio buttons using Ecotricity's primary colour and opacity settings to create a clear hierarchy.
Radio buttons using Ecotricity's primary colour and opacity settings to create a clear hierarchy.
Concept for a tariff selection screen, using minimalist detailing to create a concise informational flow.
Concept for a tariff selection screen, using minimalist detailing to create a concise informational flow.
A design for a customer-facing nav bar using iconography and information separation for easy navigation - the iconography had to get scrapped due to project limitations.
A design for a customer-facing nav bar using iconography and information separation for easy navigation - the iconography had to get scrapped due to project limitations.
A simple popup design using complimentary type faces, colouring and bolding to create a clear informational hierarchy.
A simple popup design using complimentary type faces, colouring and bolding to create a clear informational hierarchy.
A summary page with 2x2 box layouts, separated with a horizontal divider. This is used to separate pieces of information and reduce the user's cognitive load.
A summary page with 2x2 box layouts, separated with a horizontal divider. This is used to separate pieces of information and reduce the user's cognitive load.
A page using clickable tiles to allow the user to navigate a 'get help' page.
A page using clickable tiles to allow the user to navigate a 'get help' page.
A simple deactivation page using a tick box and text bolding to highlight important information.
A simple deactivation page using a tick box and text bolding to highlight important information.
An account information page designed with greyed-out text boxes to denote static information, and 100% opacity text boxes for editable information.
An account information page designed with greyed-out text boxes to denote static information, and 100% opacity text boxes for editable information.
A concept page to demonstrate what would happen to a customer's monthly bill, if they moved from a single fuel tariff to a dual fuel alternative.
A concept page to demonstrate what would happen to a customer's monthly bill, if they moved from a single fuel tariff to a dual fuel alternative.
A request refund page using spacing, along with primary and neutral colouring to create clean informational grouping, allowing for a concise and smooth user experience.
A request refund page using spacing, along with primary and neutral colouring to create clean informational grouping, allowing for a concise and smooth user experience.
A large number input box is placed in the centre of the user's eye line for maximum cognitive flow.
A large number input box is placed in the centre of the user's eye line for maximum cognitive flow.
A tariff - and subsequent payment - summary page using a horizontal alignment, paired with a vertical user flow for succinct reading.
A tariff - and subsequent payment - summary page using a horizontal alignment, paired with a vertical user flow for succinct reading.
An early concept looking into displaying energy readings using a mixture of iconography and dividers.
An early concept looking into displaying energy readings using a mixture of iconography and dividers.
A concept displaying 'refer a friend' options, using clickable tiles with logos to create faster screen targeting.
A concept displaying 'refer a friend' options, using clickable tiles with logos to create faster screen targeting.
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